Download linux mint for mac
Download linux mint for mac

I could choose between Linux and Windows, or both with VM technology.

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I needed a fat hard drive and a lot of memory. It's light weight if bereft of specs comparable to bigger machines. Now, Apple is on a somewhat level playing field with Microsoft in terms of mainstream software support. No one wanted the expense of supporting two platforms when sales of Apples were small. Handily Apple included a processor instruction translation capability that allowed Intel and PPC software to execute concurrently in the same machine that capability was lost at Mac OS 10.6. Support for Apple software among major vendors was at the time, minimal, because of Apple's prior use of the PPC processor. Yes, you had to buy the Windows licenses, but it was one machine. If your business was IT, one machine could cover both operating systems, Mac and Windows.

download linux mint for mac

Early software allowed Windows to work on it in virtual machines - or by a dual-boot arrangement.

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Mac OS then moved onto Intel hardware in a move that surprised many.

Download linux mint for mac